OTR Tyre Managementx

SARMCOL offers a comprehensive OTR (Off-The-Road) Tyre Management Program, that prioritises our customers’ bottom line by delivering maximum value through optimising their machinery’s tyre lifespan and deliver operational efficiency.

Recognising that tyres constitute a significant expense for businesses, our certified tyre management system ensures that our customers extract the utmost value from their investment by extending tire life and running hours.

Beyond cost savings, our program is dedicated to fostering a secure working environment, prioritising the safety of both staff and customers.

Through strategic partnerships with leading global OEM tyre manufacturers, we leverage their pricing, expertise and resources to provide a seamless, customer-centric experience.


A tyre is a major cost component to any business, however with the correct implementation of our tyre management system, our customer’s are assured maximum life/running hours of a tyre.


SARMCOL offers and supplies our customers with a “cradle-to-grave” OTR tyre solution through offering both new and retreaded tyre options along with OTR Rims and Components.

Surface Protection & Material Processingx

In many industries, raw and aggregated material can be highly abrasive resulting in damage and wear to unprotected machinery.

SARMCOL has a range of wear protection solutions suited to the plant area affected and the abrasive nature of the media being handled. Our corrosion protection systems prevent damage and maintains the integrity of the plant while contributing to environmental protection.

We are constantly testing, developing and improving our corrosion prevention linings and coating materials with new compounds of rubber, synthetics, ceramics and metals, as well as a range of adhesive and rubber solutions


SARMCOL’s mill linings provide optimum wear lining solution for the toughest milling applications, ensuring protection and efficiency. Our mill linings are designed from rubber or rubber composite materials according to application and throughput requirements.



Due to the diverse stress and conditions in operational facilities, effective measures for corrosion protection are indispensable nowadays. SARMCOL’s rubber linings offer long-term reliable protection against corrosion and abrasion.